This is the MAC OS X version.
Looking for the Windows version? Click here!
Version 1.2 for MAC OS X 10.3 or higher - 02/10/2006
Robert Bennett
Please note: NEVER link directly to the files listed below, always link to this page. These files will move due to bandwidth restrictions, but this page will always have the latest links.
Click here to download!
Click here if you need help downloading your full registered version.
Ever since I started making screensavers for Windows, I've had requests for
Mac versions. So I decided to go and buy a Mac so I could make Mac OS X screensavers
for you guys. Problem is, the Mac cost me a fair amount of cash. So I've made
this screensaver shareware. It's only US$7.50 to register and get rid of all
the nags that pop-up, and all the intro banners at the start. But more importantly, you'll help
support Useless Creations, which means I'll be able to port more of my Windows
screensavers to work under OS X, including my other shareware and some of
the very cool FREE ones.
So register now to get the full version, help me pay for my Mac, and look
forward to more cool 3D screensavers in the future!
Click here
for all the details.
To get to the screen saver settings go to System Preferences, then Desktop
and Screen Saver, select this screensaver and slick on Options.
The following configuration options are available. (It is recommended that
you play with the options to find what runs best on your Mac and what you
think looks best):
Play Selected Background Music: Turn this on if you want
spooky music playing in the background, then select which music you want from
the drop down box on the right. You can also select to have the screen saver
play the tunes at random.
Kid Arrival Delay: This lets you set how long of a delay
there is between new kids entering the cemetery.
Maximum Kids At Once: This sets how many kids are in the
cemetery at the same time. Turning this down may speed things up if you have
a slow machine.
Ghost Arrival Delay: This sets how often the ghosts climb
out of their graves!
Maximum Ghost At Once: This sets how many ghosts are are
on the hunt for candy at a time. Turning this down may speed things up if
you have a slow machine.
Number Of Bats: Here you can set how many
bats are flying overhead
Display Countdown To Halloween: Turn this on if you'd like
the screensaver to countdown to October 31st, that way you know how long you
have to wait before you can go trick or treating!
Enable Ghostly Glow Lighting: Turning this on means the ghosts
will emit a spooky green glow as they roam around the cemetery!
Release Notes
A while back now, I decided I'd try and do a good, original, 3D Halloween
screen saver for Windows. The idea is that the kids are on their way home
and take a shortcut through a graveyard, the ghosts happen to be a little
more active than usual on this night tho, and emerge from their graves to
chase the kids and steal their candy. I haven't seen anything like this before,
so I'm hoping you all enjoy it.
When I came to convert this thing to the Mac, I thought about making a few
changes to the kids and the ghosts etc, but as I sat watching it, I decided
I still love it the way it is. The key thing about this screen saver, if you
ask me, is that it's fun. And really, what's more important than that??
This was great fun to make. I had a ball making all the different costumes
for the kids to wear and all that. I didn't get to include everything I wanted,
so maybe I'll do an update next year when I have more time. Ofcourse if you
register now, you will be more than welcome to free updates to this screen
saver if and when they become available.
There's also a selection of spooky background music, and bats flying overhead,
in this version. So it's the complete halloween screen saver experience! Or
something like that anyway. If you spot any bugs, please let me know!
Version History
v1.2 - 2nd October, 2006 - Update
Decided I'd like to do a big of a facelift, so I've updated the tombstones and added more variety.
v1.1 - 12th August, 2006 - Update
Converted to a Universal Binary to work on all Mac's using OS X 10.3 or higher.
Fixed a potential problem with drawing properly on multiple screens.
Many bugfixes behind the scenes.
v1.0 - 15th September, 2005 - Original Release
Kids take a shortcut thought the cemetery on their way home from trick or
Ghosts emerge from their graves to steal the candy the kids have collected.
Heaps of different costumes for the kids including Harry Potter, Buffy, Yoda,
and Halloween favourites such as Pirates, Skeletons and Witches.
Optional spooky background music!
The ghosts glow, just to creep you out!
Bats fly overhead... creepy!
Countdown to Halloween, so you know how long til you can go Trick or Treating!

Brought to you thru the endless magic of OpenGL!